Laminates or Acrylic? The Better Kitchen Cabinet Finish
Modular Kitchen’s most essential element is its cabinetry. And to give your kitchen a unique personality the right kind of finish to the cabinetry is important, as it will add an aesthetic appeal to the modular kitchen. So, it is quite important to make this decision wisely and select the right kind of finish for your kitchen cabinets.
Out of the various finishes available in the market right now, such as acrylic, membrane foils, polymer, laminates etc. Acrylic and laminates are one of the most popular options, although they do differ on certain parameters like durability, aesthetics as well as pricing.
Acrylic Finish
It gives a mirror like effect to the cabinets! It is a non-toxic, reflective high gloss finish.
They are a composite artificial material whose upper layer is printed with a pattern.
To help you decide amongst both of these options for your kitchen cabinets, here are a few comparatives –
Acrylic finishes are a high-gloss option which add an extra visual appeal to the kitchen whereas Laminates are a bit less glossy in comparison and can result in a lesser striking appeal of the cabinets.
#Color Options
Acrylic finishes offer a huge range of vibrant colors which retain their hue and brightness for years. On the other hand, laminate finishes is have a higher range including matt, glossy, ultra-high gloss. Apart from colors, these are also available in different textures including wood.
Laminates are easier to maintain in comparison to the Acrylics as they are moisture and heat resistant.
Acrylic finished cabinets are more expensive when compared to laminates. Laminate finishes are available at a significantly lower cost, making them the perfect choice for those on a budget.
You can also use a combination of both Acrylic as well as Laminates in your kitchen cabinets. Acrylic finishes for the upper cabinets for a glossy look and Laminates on the lower cabinets since they are likely to see more use as well as wear and tear.
To enhance the overall look of modular kitchen choose the best finish for your kitchen cabinets depending on your use, budget and the overall appeal required.
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